Winter Trekkings

Hike through the mountains of Bariloche in winter. We have several options for walking while enjoying the snow and the beautiful views that Bariloche offers us. From walks of some hours to trekking of several days.

Winter comes to Patagonia, the "lengas" and the "ñires" are running out of their leaves, the "cachañas" (parrots) fly and scream incessantly, predicting that the snow is coming. Its white mantle decorates the slopes of our mountains offering a beautiful view that invites us to walk through the Andean Forest.

Depending on the snow we will use snowshoes to progress. No experience is required on snowy terrain to participate in the activities.

Difficulty: Low - Duration: 2-3 hours.
Low difficulty departures designed for the whole family to trails within the Andean Forest. No physical preparation is required.

-TREKKINGS (in the day)
Difficulty: Medium - Duration: 6/8 hours.
Medium difficulty hikes with a small backpack to hills or huts in the area.

-TREKKINGS (with overnight in Mountain Hut)
Difficulty: Medium - Duration: 2-3 days.
Hikes to mountain hut, spending the night inside them, is an incredible experience in our Patagonia.

Which one do you choose?

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